All insurance services under one umbrella, that too at your doorstep, on your mobile.

Premium reduction of up to 20% when you pay your premium through us

We handle all claim services under one umbrella!

We provide all legal services (Accident Claims) ourselves.

We provide relief to the affected parties through Rights Arbitration

Our Partners

Our Services

All Insurances

Our comprehensive insurance coverage encompasses all your needs, from cars to bikes, health, life, and industry. Rest easy, knowing we're your guardians of financial security.

Easy Claims

Our dedicated team ensures hassle-free claims processing, so you can relax knowing that we'll handle everything for you. Your satisfaction is our commitment.

Legal Guardianship

In any legal battle, our adept legal team stands with you, defending your interests and ensuring justice prevails, so you can focus on what matters most for the scenario.

Efficient Arbitration

Through constructive discussions, our skilled mediators facilitate arbitration, ensuring that you derive maximum benefits from every negotiation via common ground.

About Kapidu

About Kapidu

At Kapidu Insurance Brokers, we are not just in the business of insurance; we are in the business of safeguarding your dreams, your ambitions, and your peace of mind. Our story is one of dedication, expertise, and a relentless commitment to serving our clients with unwavering integrity.

Comprehensive Coverage

Seamless Claims Management


